Data Analytics

Data Analytics Part 1: Data and Culture

Big Data, Data Mining, Slicing & Dicing are terms that almost everyone who works in business is at the least slightly aware of today. Universities offering Business Analytics degrees have become very competitive with a large pool of candidates applying for a limited number of open seats. Lots of people want to become data analysts. But why?

As popular as the profession is today, people naturally started inventing tools for data analysis thousands of years ago, to be able to predict their needs and plan accordingly. Fast forward a few millennia, and data analysis has combined with computer science to form jaw-dropping awesome tools including embedded and predictive analytics, Search-Based Data Discovery, and Business Intelligence to name a few.

Data analysis has not only become famous from a social standpoint. Many companies are implementing business analytics into their culture, seeking to streamline their processes of activities, serve their customers better, improve productivity, and save money. Using data analytics is not only trendy, but it’s also just plain smart.

But why are analytics on fire, and why should you care? Humans have tendencies to want to fit in with their current environments, by participating in activities that are trendy. We all want to wear the most stylish clothes, drive the newest cars, and eat at the coolest restaurants. Data analysis has become another trend that everyone wants to partake. Oracle, Google, and IBM have built entire platforms revolving around analytical products and services have significantly contributed to this statistical heat wave.

However, the valid reasons for using data analytics are more important than fitting into social culture and becoming popular by possessing a hip and cool job title. It is a vital tool that investigates the past and current information to predict future needs by searching for patterns, trends, outliers, and such. When properly implemented and executed analytics is the driving force behind informed decision making.

This article was originally published on LinkedIn:

Robert Endo is the founder and Engagement Manager of Intrepid Data.

Intrepid Data is a full-service developer that builds platforms for web-based applications